Monday 18 April 2011

Movie Scene

A scene that would lend itself well for the movie would be Dresden (before, during and after the bombing)
As Vonnegut mentioned, he is not trying to stop wars with his book, he is only trying to raise awareness.  This would be done by showing a beautiful scene of Dresden, who Vonnegut himself described as Oz, then a scene where Dresden is getting bombed, followed by a scene of ruined Dresden. This illustrates how horribly war can be by presenting how the contrast between the before and after of a beautiful city and how many innocent lives were taken away during the bombing.
Another scene I think would be ideal for the movie would be when the Americans are captured and sent to prison with the Englishmen. At that point when they shower and shave, their faces show how they are, in fact, very young. This would help prove Vonnegut’s point about how the war the “children’s crusade.”

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